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The Story Behind 

Hello, I am Tamar Appleman. Welcome to my dream :)

Lately I've dreamt of "coming out" to the world, the urge to keep moving towards accomplishing my mission has grown.

And in case you're wondering what it has to do with you, and where from I want to come out, I'll tell that in the past years I'm guiding people, from different countries, through processes of healing and of change. Processes that among other things, provide practical tools for handling this journey called life.


People reach out to me, wishing for better relationships, including the one with themselves, to reach their goals successfully, and fulfill themselves. They ask to learn how to control their emotions, how to stop feeling so much, or to regain the ability to feel. Because they are tired of feeling unsatisfied, disappointing, worn out, lacking purpose. Because they are tired of their own loops. They ask for everything I used to ask for myself, and there were times I did not believe I could get or achieve any of these.

Tamar Appleman

For most people, the reasons they don't succeed to be who, what, and how they'd like, are the beliefs that they are not good enough and/or that there's something wrong with them, and that feeling emotions and feelings, or God forbid, express these, and let someone else know that they're feeling, is a sign of weakness. And not because there is something wrong with us, but because that's how we were raised and taught. We were taught that growing up means to start doing what should be done, and stop being "emotional", stop paying attention to our feelings so much and stop expressing them. (To me, personally, it means that we are supposed to become robots as we grow up). We were taught that intuition is for the poor and spiritual, and that only the ones that have lost their minds and gone crazy, have an inner voice.


A big part of the people also have unresolved Traumas that they learnt to suppress, deny and ignore, along with the emotions attached to them, which leads them to criticize themselves for the fact that these Traumas still trigger them. A perfect proof for the belief they are weak. I can acknowledge, recall, and identify with each and everyone. Once all these were part of my fate.

In the meantime, my sense of mission, to restore the legitimacy to feel, to make all feelings and emotions fashionable again, including those we name "negative", and to teach humans to see the beauty and importance of them all, has grown bigger and stronger. Because I could literally see, that alongside the progress of technology and the so-called advancement in standard of living, way too many people are suffering and worn out, emotionally disconnected, just like I was. Looking for more material, more experiences, just to avoid the pain, just to succeed in proceeding and moving forward, even when it's not quite clear what for. I, by the way, were willing to give up many times. In all these times, there was an inner voice and a feeling of -"This can't be it. I must be missing something. No way that's what Life is all about". Fortunately, I chose to listen to it.


Therefore, the will to expand my influence has grown, and so did the urge to come out of the one-on-one processes' room, to share and spread the knowledge and tools that healed me, (and still drive me forward to keep changing and fulfilling my dreams), to as many people as possible.


I find and believe that a whole healing of our pain is also a result of feeling safe to reconnect to ourselves, to reconnect to our emotions and feelings, including those we find unpleasant, and by so, to regain our ability to hear and listen to our inner voice. Because all of these consist of infinite information, essential to our existence.

Without our connection to them all, we are not able to learn new information, and or rewrite the old information, that is not serving us anymore.

sea and sky
blossom flowers

I believe that this is the way to live out of a real connection to our truth, in a respectful manner, to us, our beloved ones, and our surroundings. That's the way to create meaningful connections and relationships, based on a communication of Understanding, Acceptance and Equity. The way to be the version of ourselves that we love most, so that we can live the life we wish with Vitality, a life of Meaning, Love, Happiness and Abundance... you know, all these dirty words... ;) and not because all is well and okay all the time, bright and shining. But because we feel ourselves and what matters to us, and we've reconnected to our sense of purpose, and that's how we handle things when they go wrong, and we keep evolving.


All of these are the reasons I had a Branding process, and I built this website, which frankly, I never thought or believed, I would do any of these things ever. But, hey, people change when something important to them makes them want to. And I want to spread all these goodness and it's very important to me to be of value to others. To remind and remember, that being connected and attentive to our own selves is the real Freedom to Just Be our true loving selves in the world.






Tel Aviv, Israel.

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